
“Hala China” Dubai Shenzhen Week Officially Launched


“Hala China” Dubai Shenzhen Week Officially Launched

Deputy Mayor, Wu Yihuan met with

“Hala China” Dubai Delegation

On the morning of April 22, Wu Yihuan, deputy mayor of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government, cordially met with Sheikh Majid Al Mualla, chairman of Executive Committee of Dubai “Hala China”. Deputy mayor Wu Yihuan expressed warm welcome to the Prince and his delegation for visiting Shenzhen before attending the Beijing “Belt and Road” Forum. Majid also expressed his gratitude.


With implementation of the “Belt and Road” initiative, China and the United Arab Emirates have reached a new level of cooperation in various fields. For the United Arab Emirates, China has become the largest trading nation. Under this background, Dubai Meraas Group and Dubai Holding Group proposed “Hala China” initiative when Chairman Xi Jinping visited to the United Arab Emirates on July, 15, 2018. “Hala China” initiative aimed at establishing a larger pragmatic platform to promote comprehensive cooperation between Dubai and China in the fields of investment, tourism, education, technology and culture. The initiative was appreciated and praised by Chairman Xi Jinping (Reported by Xinhua News Agency).


Shenzhen and Dubai have officially established friendly cities. Shenzhen and Dubai have similar features, such as rapid development, immigrant city and opening up environment. Accompanied by Miss Anna, the Chairwoman of Miss Model of the World International Organization and the Chairwoman of Shenzhen Zhongyi Anna International Media Group, “Hala China” Executive Committee delegation visited Shenzhen for a preliminary inspection and discussed the specific arrangements of holding Dubai Shenzhen Week during the second half of this year and 2020 Dubai World Expo with director general of Shenzhen Culture, Media, Sport and Tourism Bureau, Zhang Heyun and relevant government departments. The Dubai Shenzhen Week will not only make substantial publicity and promotion in the fields of culture, tourism and design, but also help Shenzhen to enhance the image of city on international platform in Dubai. Invited by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Majid visited to Shenzhen on April 21-22 before attending the “Belt and Road” Forum in Beijing. He left a beautiful and deep impression on Shenzhen’s rapid development.


Before meeting with deputy mayor Wu Yihuan, Dubai “Hala China” Executive Committee, Shenzhen Culture, Media, Sport and Tourism Bureau and Miss Model of the World International Organization signed and Memorandum of Cooperation to promote a further cooperation between Shenzhen and Dubai in culture and fashion industry. Through this cooperation, Shenzhen’s brands will enter international stage, various cultural and tourism activities will be carried out, awareness of local people and tourists will be raised, and tourism product and innovation models will be developed. As an international fashion organization which has hosted international contest in Shenzhen for 14 years, Miss Model of the World International Organization will be a bridge and tie to connect Shenzhen and Dubai and hold the Dubai Shenzhen Week through its strong brand communication and international influence. During the 2020 Dubai World Expo and Dubai Fashion Week, Miss Model of the World International Organization will hold the 32nd Miss Model of the World Contest International Grand Finals Awarding Ceremony and arrange a series exhibitions of Chinese and Shenzhen products and various scientific and cultural exchanges activities.


Government official leaders, Chairwoman of Miss Model of the World International Organization, Miss Anna, Dubai “Hala China” executive committee members: Liang Xiaoqian, Adel Ebrahim, Faisal Alblooshi, Ibrahim Ali, Zhang Shumin attended the signing ceremony and meeting.

